Saturday, September 3, 2011

Chit Chat

James is saying a lot of three and four word sentences these days. (Some recent ones include "Daddy open the door", "Brother go pee-pee potty" and "I don't know [and then fill in the blank with an object -- it means he doesn't know where it is]".) And his new favorite phrases are "this one" and "that one" to point out what he wants!

I forgot to mention that James went back to the ear doctor on Thursday for the post-surgery checkup.  (This time the doctor was on a "two hour delay."  Ugh!)  In any case, Mike reports that James was very charming in the waiting room and made some new friends.  :)  And the doctor said his ears looked good, no fluid or problems that he could see, which is great!

Mattie is constantly amazing me with what he says. He was playing with his sound machine the other night and said, "This button is hard." I looked at it and said, "That's because it's not a button." (He was pushing the top part of the machine above the buttons, but it was still shaped like a button.) He replied, "Just for decoration." Yep!

Then yesterday morning, he said something about a yellow bus, and I said that a yellow bus is a school bus. He replied, "Blue bus is the city bus." And that's exactly right, our city buses are blue!

He likes the polka-dots at the front of one of his bedtime books, and he calls them "poponauts."  And he refers to his bottom as his "bob-im."  So cute.  

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