Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Mattie passed his car seat test last night. (The test just involves sitting in the car seat with a respiration/oxygen saturation monitor on, to make sure that the sitting position of the seat doesn't cause any problems for the baby. Sometimes preemies have lower muscle tone and the car seat position can cause them to slump over and have problems with their airways.) One more thing checked off the "ready to come home" list!

The plan is to take James off the respirator tomorrow. He's still getting fentenyl for pain control, but he was moving around and more awake today. And he actually had a poop through his ostomy, which is kind of freaky to see at first (but I imagine we'll get used to it very quickly). The poop is a good sign, though, that maybe the bowels are getting back in order.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

If they've done the car seat test, I think they may be serious about sending him home with you real soon. How exciting!! Please let us know if we can help out in any way (walkies, if you need something from the store, etc).