Monday, July 6, 2009

Let's Get this Party Started

Well, they're restarting James's feeds today. They're starting with just a small amount, 3 ml of milk. (They're also planning to give more of the probiotics today.) I'm nervous about how it's going to go, but probably we won't really know whether he's tolerating it or not for a few days yet. Keep your fingers crossed and send your good thoughts his way!

I got to feed Mattie his bottle this morning. He did well (drank about 8 ml from the bottle, if I remember correctly).

Edited to add: This morning, Mike also accidentally called Matthew Stanley. I'm sure it's not the last time we'll call the one of boys by the dog's name!

James has had two feedings now (they do them every three hours). The first one he spit up a little bit, and the second one apparently he tolerated well. So, a pretty good start!

1 comment:

Cindy Young said...

Oh, we are saying lots of prayers for James today! I hope his PDA repair has improved the GI perfusion enough that he will be digesting milk like a champ.

Just say NO to NEC!