Sunday, July 26, 2009

One Day More

Everything is on track for Matthew to come home tomorrow. We're so excited! Our lives have changed a lot in the last two months, but being in charge of a baby full time is going to be a whole new world (just like regular parents!) I suspect the blog updates will become somewhat shorter and/or less frequent what with the massive quantity of feedings, diaper changes, sleepless nights, etc. coming our way.

It's going to be really hard to leave James behind in the hospital, though. Of course we don't have any choice -- he needs to be there now -- but it still feels wrong. It was a little hard for me to leave the hospital without them the first time after they were born. (That time was made harder by the fact that as I was sitting in the wheelchair waiting for Mike to come around with the car, they parked a woman who WAS going home with her baby right next to me, and of course everyone walked by smiling at her and congratulating her. Thanks, guys, nice to rub it in.) But this feels worse somehow, maybe because 1) it's not fair that his brother gets to go home now and he doesn't, and 2) we're leaving him all by himself (which of course we're not; all his wonderful nurses are still there taking care of him).

As a practical matter, though, I think we're going to be grateful to get to learn all about life with a newborn with one baby first before the trial by fire of two! Or, as Mike put it, we'll make all our mistakes with Matthew and then when James comes home it will be smooth sailing. :)

James is doing well -- he's off his cannula and back on room air (yay, James!) and he's also pooping, which is great. The surgeons are happy with his progress, and if things continue to go well, the doctors may increase the amount of his feedings tomorrow. He also seems to be feeling better. I held him today and last night, and he makes faces and fusses off and on like he has gas (which he probably does), but doesn't seem to be uncomfortable otherwise.

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