Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good morning

It is 3 AM and we just finished Matthew's 2nd feeding and diaper change of the night. We are having a sleepover at Matt's place -- the sleep room in the NICU. This is a chance for the parents and doctors to see well the parents can feed the baby and generally survive a full night alone with the baby. Well, not exactly alone. We are only 25 feet from Matthew's staff in Pod F. So far so good. But, man!, this boy sure is a non-stop gurgly, bleeting, mewling, and grunting machine. Not to mention really stinky. His last diaper smelled like a cowpie. And the 2 hours of noxious gas emissions preceding the poopiness stunk up our little room something terrible. We are going to have to consider installing a commercial grade exhaust system in the nursery at home.


Jeff Pomerantz said...

When Charlotte first came home, between her and the dog, I was amazed and horrified at how much time I spent dealing with other creatures' excrement. But -- and I'm not sure if this is will be a comfort or not -- you very quickly get used to it and become quite blase: oh, another poopy diaper, I'll get that.

Ann said...

3:00 a.m.!!! And you are both fully dressed! You guys are good!

Tanya said...

The poop stories keep coming, too. This has been a particularly nasty week for them at our house, but i'll spare you the details. Yes, between two kids and two cats, you get it all--poop, pee, spit up, saliva, snot, you name it...

Dave Levingston said...

Now is when you begin to learn just how much your parents really love you... ;-)

Lisa K said...

I thought the bfing was supposed to make the poop smell a bit less frightful. Imogen didn't stink until solids. But Lach always smelled bad....wonder if it is a boy thing? Or just a my-boy thing? After he took some baby probiotics, it did get a little better though. He did have a fair amount of antibiotics through his babyhood. Anyway, with two, your life will be plenty fragrant regardless.

Carol said...

you guys look great and the babies look adorable; we are thinking about you..
glad the surgery went well...