Sunday, January 15, 2012

Soccer Ball

We took James's new soccer ball (thanks, Auntie Nora & Uncle Adrian!) to the park today. He enjoyed it! (Some other kids borrowed it while James was playing on other parts of the playground, and had a great time with it, too. We figured that was only fair, since usually James is the one who adopts any unattended ball in the area.)

I've noticed that the world seems full of sharp edges and pointy things ever since Mattie got his stitches. Mike was running around with the boys in rose garden (brick pathways, with lots of raised brick corners), and I "encouraged" them to go run in the grass instead!

Our neighbors invited us and some other friends over for a chili dinner tonight. The boys were very good, and despite being the only little ones there, entertained themselves well without damaging (as far as we know) Lakshmi's house. :) Their game for the early part of the evening was playing with a huge exercise ball, and for the later part of the evening they were each carrying around a pillow and laying down on different parts of the floor to "go night-nights." We stayed until past the boys' usual bedtime (they'd had a late nap), but then James announced that we wanted to go ride-rides in the red car, and marched over to have his shoes put on and headed for the door. So we took that as our cue, even though we ended up missing some of the entertainment for the evening -- photos from our friends' trips to Spain and Peru. Yes, so the boys are not only curtailing our travel, but are even limiting our ability to live vicariously through the travels of others! :) (That's okay, they're worth it.)

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