Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Good Kind of Roller Coaster

Mike wants to get a playset for the backyard, so that the boys will have more to do outside without having to drive somewhere.  So we went to a couple of sales places today to get an idea of what's out there.  (They were conveniently located near each other!)

At the first place, Matthew and James especially enjoyed the "roller coaster" (second and third pictures).  I have to admit, it was pretty cool, though I wonder who would have enough space to have it in their house!

The first place also had a lot of playsets set up indoors -- on a concrete floor.   (You can see a bit of it in the third picture.) That strikes me as a concussion and lawsuit waiting to happen.  Fortunately, even though it was a kind of chilly day, it was sunny and nice enough to be outdoors, so the boys did not mind at all playing on the outside versions.

After playing for a while at the second place, Mattie was getting tired, and decided just to play with the rocks.  Mike commented that we could save a lot of money if we just got a wheelbarrow of gravel for the backyard.  :)


Niki said...

I'm thinking of your backyard...
Where would you put a playset?

Yvonne said...

FWIW we once went to a birthday party at this place in Morrisville, and they have open play hours (so you could go check out their stuff). It seemed really well made & was very tempting - we didn't have anywhere to put it, though, so we gave up.