Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pooka Button

I didn't think we'd be people who handed over an expensive technological device to toddlers, but here we are. We followed in the grandparents' footsteps and got an iPad.  One of the main reasons was to use the FaceTime video chatting feature with family, and that's actually been really cool -- the boys have gotten to see some of their Colorado cousins in action! 

Of course, the boys love their toddler games -- we have the same ones that Grandma has on her iPad (Zoo Train and Monkey Preschool Lunchbox -- what's not to love?), plus a drawing one.  (This is the problem with FaceTime -- the boys get bored with just talking after a few minutes and want to "play the monkey game.")

James in particular is crazy about the iPad.  When he wants to play, he says, "I want to push a button."  Except that it comes out "pooka button", which I think is so cute.  (But, Mike insisted that we be responsible parents of our hearing-impaired child and emphasize how to say it correctly, so now James is getting the "sh" sound in there.) He's good at the games, too!

But he occasionally gets a little like Gollum with his Precious (sorry to those of you who are not Lord of the Rings fans) -- he'll push Mattie away, and generally want it all to himself.  Mattie has actually been pretty tolerant about this, although the other morning we let them play for a couple minutes before preschool, and Matthew looked at me and said rather sternly, "Jamesie wants to be a good boy and share!" as if he wanted to make sure that I enforced that!  (Which we do.  And also hide away the iPad when it's not time for them to play with it.) 

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