Friday, January 6, 2012

Moving on Up

 Mattie is very happy with his new step-stool (thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!)  He spent quite a while this evening filling up his cup and either drinking or rinsing his mouth (I'm not quite sure which).  I think he figured he was going to be told to stop, because he told me, "Mommy, go see Jamesie!"  (Then he said, "Leave me alone."  I told him he didn't talk to Mommy that way, and he said, "Go sit on the couch, please.")

The boys were also happy that the weather was nice enough for the playground, but alas, our hopes of getting them to bed early with some exercise have been a miserable failure -- 10 PM and they're still up!  Ugh! (It's sort of an experiment to see what they'll do left to their own devices alone in their room after a crib escape -- so far it appears to be mostly singing.)

1 comment:

Niki said...

When i escape my crib i find that singing is, in fact, the first order of business.