Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Visiting the Ponies

Our babysitter N rides horses, and she offered to take the boys out to meet them. So we went out there this morning (and "there" is only about 15 minutes or less from our house). It was really fun!

They both got to sit on the horse (and both wanted to get off pretty quickly), and we held them while we fed the horse some snacks. N picked the most docile horse, but we saw all the rest of them behind the fence. (They were all out in the pasture when we arrived, but eventually decided they wanted to see what was going on up by the barn.) The farm rooster also made an appearance.

In typical toddler fashion, the boys were only interested in the horses for a little while (James longer than Matthew). Mattie was more excited about all the wheels -- a big one on the tractor, littler ones on another truck, and the ones on our minivan. ("We could have just taken him out to the driveway," Mike commented.) He was also interested in the bin of fake flowers, which is funny because he also really likes the vase of fake flowers we have at home. At least he's consistent!

This is N's last week with us. She's off to start her real career in the NICU! We are excited for her, but very sad that she's leaving.


Anonymous said...

The boys do look a little more interested the tractor. :) Maybe if we taught Spellbound to say "vroom, vroom" she would be more appealing? :) Glad they had a good visit!
- Spell's person, N's friend, Jeannette

Melanie said...

Jeannette -- thanks so much for letting us visit, and sorry we missed you!! Your place is beautiful, and Her Royal Highness was wonderfully patient with the boys. :)