Friday, October 8, 2010

Breaking the Rules

I broke two of my own rules today. Usually we just have the babies eat in their high chairs (partially for mess reasons, but mainly because I don't trust them not to choke on things yet), but when we had company, we let them run around with snap-pea crisps. And we've been avoiding giving James dairy products since his unexplained five days of throwing up in July, but he ate some cheese and some mac & cheese today. Not much of either, but hopefully we won't regret that decision!

In other news, Matthew's new word is "outside." He also says "slide," and "sss" for a snake sound and something resembling "whoo whoo" for the owl.

Jamesie climbed all the way up into his double stroller seat today; he may not be walking on his own yet, but he sure is motivated to climb!

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