Sunday, October 3, 2010


We went downtown today for the fall arts festival (Festifall). On our way there, we walked by Kidzu, the local children's museum. We'd never been inside because we figured our boys were a bit to young to appreciate it yet, but we saw a sign on the door that it was free admission on Sundays, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to check it out. And it turns out that it is good for little ones -- lots of toys to play with, and even a "zero to 2 year-old" area for babies to crawl around.

We didn't stay too long because we wanted to make it to the festival, but I expect we'll be back!

The photos don't do it justice, but it was a gorgeous day, sunny but cool. (You'll see we're starting to put the boys in long sleeves!) We had a nice time walking around, although we viewed most of the art from a distance. I carried James part of the time and he just pointed to everything (and since I wasn't going to let him touch everything, I assumed he just wanted to know what everything was, and he seemed content with just finding out the names.) We let Mattie walk part of the time, too, and he was especially excited about pushing the stroller (which was great because it was a lot easier to keep track of him that way).

When we were in the sidewalk chalk area, a little girl probably a year or so older walked up to Mattie and tried to hand him a piece of chalk.  It was very sweet, but he had no interest whatsoever -- kind of funny, since usually he wants to grab whatever another kid has (or maybe that's just with his brother and cousin!)

Mike's favorite part was at the end, when we found the mini-donut stand -- cinnamon sugar donuts fresh out of the fryer!  Yum!

It was a very nice way to celebrate my birthday.  (Actually, we celebrated on Friday with a nice dinner out -- the first time we've had a non-family evening babysitter.) 

And happy birthday, Cousin Cooper!

1 comment:

Niki said...

I'm glad you had a nice birthday.