Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Mattie the Monkey and Jamesie the Puppy wish you a Happy Halloween! They went trick-or-treating to three houses (but didn't get any candy, since they're too little for it -- no great loss as we have tons of leftover candy already.)

Our neighbors down the street (tonight, a cowboy and fairy princess) arrived at our house just as we were heading out, so it was fun to have company on our brief procession. We met up with our other friends (tonight, Harry Potter and an FBI agent) at Lakshmi's house. James's costume looks a lot like their dog, so we joked that he was going as Blizzy for Halloween!

The boys were very good about wearing their costumes, but they also didn't want to sit still, so it was harder to get a good picture of them than you might think. :) Or perhaps, if you've been around toddlers, it was exactly as hard as you'd think.

One of Mattie's new words for today was brother ("bu bu" -- it occurred to us this might be where the nickname Bubba comes from). He said "brother" and then went over and gave James a hug -- so sweet! (James, meanwhile, in seeing Mattie in the monkey costume and hearing us tell him his brother was a monkey, made the "ooo ooo eee eee" monkey sound!)

Hope you all had a lovely All Hallows Eve!

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