Thursday, October 14, 2010

Daddy Time

I'm traveling for work tomorrow and Friday (off to give a talk at Harvard, ooo la la), so poor Mike has to manage bedtime on his own two nights in a row. I hope the little guys behave for him! (Matthew was up from 2-ish until after 3:30 AM last night -- I'm hoping he got that out of his system for while. And little Jamesie has a runny nose. So, we'll see how it goes.)

We were encouraging James to walk this evening by seeing if he would go from one of us to the other. He took a couple of steps that were mostly just controlled falling forward, but he's getting closer and closer to doing it on his own.

Our babysitter let him play with the (empty or mostly empty) container of puffs, and he was putting the lid on and taking it off. He and Mattie both enjoyed getting to hold the container -- usually we don't let them for the obvious spilling reasons. Jamesie also seemed to be doing very well with his sippy cup of water tonight, at least when he wasn't throwing it on the floor. :)

[Photos from 10/8 and 10/10. With the number of geek friends we have, I'm surprised people weren't making a bigger deal out of Binary Day on 10/10/10!]

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