Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October Snow

Grandma told James that it was snowing in South Dakota, but he didn't believe her! (She was telling the truth, though!)

In "new word" news, Matthew said "sock" and "bath" (though bath might not have been distinguishable from other "ba" sounds if he hadn't been pointing at the tub). Jamesie says "flower", though it sounds like "la la". And he does the sign for fish. The sign is to hold your hand facing up (like you're going to shake hands) and move it in a wave motion like a fish moving through water. When James does it, he wiggles his whole body -- it's so cute!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Thank you for sharing your life with us through this blog! This is the highlight of my day to get on here and see how well everyone is doing!

Matthew and James will love this too when they are older!

Love to you all