Tuesday, June 8, 2010


James gained 65 grams last night, so we're tentatively on track for him being able to come home tomorrow. Hooray! (Keep your fingers crossed for a good weight tomorrow!)

James had a pretty good day today. He wanted to be held a lot, and we obliged. :) He had a visit from his wonderful speech/feeding therapist, but unfortunately, it was just after he'd eaten and he was ready for a nap. She's going to try again tomorrow and hopefully see how he does with baby food.

He also had a visit from a country music singer, Jason Michael Carroll. We weren't familiar with his music, but he was a very nice guy and gave James a cute little sparkly board book. You know, you hear about celebrities or athletes going to the hospital to visit sick kids, but I never really expected to be the ones being visited!

Erin and Isaac left on Sunday. We are so grateful to them for being here -- they were a huge help. They took care of Matthew, went shopping, cooked us dinner, and just generally handled things so that we could focus on James -- they were awesome. Thanks, Erin and Isaac!!

Grandma Barr arrived in town yesterday evening. We were all delighted to see her, but especially Stanley, who got a morning walk today!

Mattie was a bit out of sorts yesterday evening and today; I think he's getting more teeth, and probably the disrupted schedule is catching up with him. (He was awake from 2:30 to 5 AM last night, which is not at all like him. I was not too thrilled about that! And then he stubbornly refused to take the morning nap that he clearly needed.) So, hopefully we can get him back on track soon.

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