Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cleared for Take-down

[Ostomy closure surgery is also sometimes called a take-down. To me that always brings to mind some kind of drug bust, as if James has joined the SWAT team.]

James had a pretty good night, and was in fairly good spirits this morning, given that he hadn't had anything to eat. They took him down to the OR a bit before noon. At one point someone mentioned that this would be a 2-3 hour surgery (I think not counting the anesthesia prep time which may also approach an hour), so I'm expecting more like five hours -- the surgical time estimates we've been given in the past have always been significant underestimates.

James was starting to get a little fussy in the pre-op room, and the anesthesiologist gave him the first calming-down drug through his IV. He went from screaming to smiles in the course of about five seconds. His head was sort of lolling around like he was a happy drunk, and then his eyes started to drift closed. It was very cute. (I asked if we could get some of that stuff for his brother's naptime, but no dice.)


Niki said...

Thoughts and prayers for you all.

Yvonne said...

I am so glad that your morning wasn't thoroughly horrible and that he's heading into surgery (Take down!!) on schedule. Good thoughts are coming your way from many directions.

Tanya said...

Best wishes, sweet Baby James!

Cindy Y said...

Thinking of you today - by now, sweet James is out of recovery and back in your arms. Glad that surgery didn't have to be postponed yet again, and that you can all focus on his that he can get back to mischief, and you can get back to childproofing!