Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday morning

It is Wednesday morning and we're hoping James goes home today. Early word is that he gained some weight again on Tuesday. That's what we needed to hear to allow James to come home. Tuesday night with James was OK. He slept from 9 until 2 am when we checked his vital signs, dosed him with some pain meds, and changed his diaper. He woke me up again at 4 AM with crying and the sounds of general unhappiness. I resorted to my first response, which is to hold him for a while in the hopes that this will pass and he will fall asleep. This didn't work so I immediately went to plan B -- food. He drank 2 ounces with gusto. I held him, tried to get a burp out of him and laid him back down in his crib. He didn't sound any happier so I offered him another 2 ounces, of which he drank 2/3rds. At this point it is 5 AM. He now seemed relatively happy, although he dribbled enough milk on my shoulder to cause me to change shirts. I put him in a new outfit (the old one had some milk spots and poop marks).

He look happy in his Buckeye top. He was smiling at me and clapping. Then he threw up. I picked him up to comfort him so he spit up on me. By now it is 5:30. The nurses changed his bedding while I held him...and minutes later he seemed happy and has remained so for the last hour. The first 2 pictures are after he threw up. The bottom picture is from Tuesday afternoon.

1 comment:

Niki said...

The last pic is hilarious - it really does look like he's in a prison movie.
I hope you are all home soon.