Friday, June 18, 2010

Freedom for My People

Matthew's new goal in life is to figure out how to open (or scale) the baby gate. He knows that there's a button on the top involved, but unfortunately for him (and fortunately for us), there's also a bottom latch that requires lifting up to open.

But for now, his current system of either 1) making a break for it as soon as he sees an open gate, or 2) pulling up on the gate and wailing at the top of his lungs, occasionally works for him.

When we first started babyproofing, some people would say things like, "You never know, some kids aren't climbers." Those people apparently hadn't spent much time around our boys. :) We are thinking of hiring Matthew out to spot the flaws in other people's babyproofing systems. Did I mention that he has an unhealthy fascination with the baby-safe electrical outlet cover?


Nora said...

Are you sure that isn't a baby picture of Uncle Isaac in the middle? :)

Tanya said...


We just bought a jumbo pack of these and replace all our outlets in our house. They are great--no extra parts to pull out. You just pull the cord out and the cover automatically snaps into place.

Niki said...

FREEDOM! Freedom for my people - especially ME!

Melanie said...

Tanya -- Yep, that's exactly the kind of cover that Matthew loves to play with! We only have those on a couple outlets, though -- we definitely need to get some more, because I have a feeling he could get the plastic outlet plugs out if he worked at it.

Niki -- I was thinking of you when I wrote that title!

Mark said...

We have that exact baby gate! I used to really like it.