Sunday, June 13, 2010


In his bookshelf explorations, Matthew went straight for the Harry Potter. That's my boy!

However, he's lucky his father didn't sell him to the gypsies last night. It was a particularly difficult bedtime (and the boys have not been sleeping well in general recently -- ugh!) Fortunately, Mattie redeemed himself by sleeping until 9 AM this morning. (Yes, yes, he was up at 4 AM for a bottle and briefly at 6 AM, but we'll take what we can get!)

Matthew has also moved up to the "Stage 3" baby food -- the ones with chunks of food instead of just puree. He's doing very well with it. This afternoon, though, he wanted to take the food off the spoon and eat it with his fingers. That's fine, all part of the learning experience, but definitely a big mess!

And Jamesie is back up to drinking as much formula as before his surgery, which is great. We can see the tops of his bottom two teeth poking out, too!

1 comment:

Ann said...

They are so adorable but after all you have been through they are not as cute when they want up at 4:00 a.m. and you are exhausted!

We love you guys!