Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Us with the Boys

The top picture is Matthew, and the bottom one is James; this was our last visit while I was still in the hospital (the green badge is my "off unit pass"). Both boys have had the lines taken out of their umbilical cords, which means they can be in different positions (on their sides or their tummies instead of just on their backs). Little Mattie looked very comfy snuggled up with a blanket when they had him on his side.

We had a great visit with them this afternoon. James opened his eyes and although I'm sure he can't really see much at this stage, it seemed like he was looking toward us when we spoke. (If that's not neurologically possible at this stage, don't tell us about it!! We thought it was really cool.)

They've had the boys under blue lights for their bilirubin levels (a fairly common issue, especially as the boys have not pooped yet despite our encouragement), so sometimes when we've been in there, they've been wearing their baby shades to protect their eyes from the light. Matt has them on in the top picture.


Yvonne said...

What adorable pictures! Incidentally, they can hear & react to mom & dad's voice while in the womb; I'm sure what you observed was in fact a real reaction along the lines of, "Hey, is that Mom over there? Cool!"

Cindy said...

Your voices are audible even in the womb - so I'm sure they are responding to the familiar sounds. For nearsighted newborns, the dominant sense is smell: "Hey, Mom's here with the milk factory again - great!" One interesting study showed that newborns had a definite preference for their own mothers smell (turning preferentially toward a breastpad with Mommy's milk and ignorning the one with non-mommy milk). Even as newborns, they definitely know you!