Monday, May 25, 2009

On the Right Track

James continues to improve. Today he had a "clean" X-ray (no intestinal bubbles, and the problem area they had identified before seems to be getting better), so he'll be on a 7-10 day course of antibiotics and "bowel rest" (no feedings through the stomach, just IV fluids). He's still on the respirator, but assuming he continues to do well, he'll probably come off it tomorrow. His color was a little pale, so they gave him another blood transfusion. (This may be because they have been drawing a lot of blood for regular tests.) However, they have weaned him off a lot of the meds and he's also less sedated (they had him on Fentenyl because they weren't sure if he was in pain), so he was more active today. So, although he still has some healing to do, he's moving in the right direction.


Jennifer Diascro said...

Woohoo! What a little fighter!

Tanya said...

Yeah!!! This is great!