Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today was a good day at the hospital. Massage students from one of the local colleges were offering free hand massages and facials for NICU families, and it was wonderful! It was so nice to relax and be pampered for a little while without having to make any special arrangements.

And after that, we got to hold the boys for about an hour, doing "kangaroo care" (skin to skin contact). Mike held Mattie again, and I held James. Both of the boys did really well. (The kangaroo care is good for them, but it's also a little taxing on them to be moved around so much at this age. When they're older, we can do it for longer periods of time.) And it certainly helped us feel good!

(If you're wondering what the NCCC stands for in the photo, it's Newborn Critical Care Center.)

1 comment:

Cindy Pickett said...

Oh, wow, facials. What a great idea!