Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Not Quite

Ever since our museum trip, Matthew has been asking about his birthday.

"Am I three yet?"
"Is it May yet?"
"Is it still April?"
"Why I'm not three yet?"
"Can Grandma come to my birthday?"

He also tells us that he will eat cake and blow out the candles. He wants a toy car for his birthday ("an orange one with its own engine").

Matthew now likes to make suggestions for how his bedtimes stories will go.  His favorite at the moment is about a nice werewolf who lives in a house in the forest.  The werewolf is friends with Matthew (due to a previous story where Matthew helped the werewolf find his way home), and one day the werewolf invites Matthew to go swimming with him at the lake, and Jamesie and Stanley and Mommy and Grandma come along.  The werewolf picks them all up in his train (which he acquired in a previous story after building train tracks to visit his Mommy and Grandma).  They go to the lake and Mickey Mouse is there ("all by himself because his friends are at the grocery store buying food for Mickey Mouse"), and they all go swimming together and then build sand castles and have lunch and go home. 

Mike also tells him "the werewolf and the beanstalk" (as you might guess, the werewolf's name is Jack and he trades his cow for some magic beans...)

1 comment:

Niki said...

I feel his pain.
Is it May yet?
Is it my birthday yet?