Saturday, April 21, 2012

Air Mike

We hadn't planned to go the museum today, but Matthew wanted to go, so we agreed. And believe it or not, we saw new things today that we hadn't done before! One of them was this trampoline setup. Mike had a great time! (Matthew was disappointed that he couldn't go on it -- you have to be at least three. But there was no one else around, so the attendant let him and James bounce on it for a minute or two without the harness contraption, just us holding their hands, and he was delighted.) The attendant told Mike that usually it was pretty crowded, with typically a 20 minute wait, so we got lucky!

James, by the way, was disappointed when we first got there -- he ran into the room where the robots were last time, and asked where the robots were. But they had a new wolf exhibit down the hall, so that made up for it.  :)  (We saw that when we first arrived, and on the way back, he said he wanted to see the "doggies" again.)

The water features are open again, and if we had let him, Matthew probably would have spent the whole afternoon playing with the pump and bucket system pictured here.  Jamesie preferred going to see the farm animals.

We rode the train as usual, but this time we went in the "caboose"!  (No different from any other car, but at the end -- and James wanted a 6 this time, and the caboose was 26.)  Matthew seems to know all the attractions around the train route by heart ("fox!  mirror people!  eagle's nest!"), and James is pretty good at it, too.

We also found the lake with the remote control boats.  Mattie was really excited about the idea of sailboats, but the real thing wasn't quite as engaging for him.  Admittedly, it was getting late by then and he was pretty tired.

And of course, we couldn't leave without seeing at least one of the dinosaurs.  (In the picture here, Mattie is pointing at me saying, "You can give the dinosaur some milk!")


Niki said...

The more you tell me about this museum, the more i want to visit it!

Melanie said...

I was actually thinking of you when we were there this time -- it might have been the air cannons I thought you would like. :)

Come on down -- you're welcome any time!