Tuesday, April 10, 2012


James went to the doctor today, for what we were hoping would be to start scheduling the surgery to get his G-tube removed.  Instead, the surgery team was not happy with his slow weight gain, so instead, they want us to start using the tube again to make sure he's getting enough calories. Ugh.  We are so disappointed and discouraged.  The other suggestions they gave us are pretty much the same things we've been trying to do for a year, and which don't seem to make a lot of difference.


Niki said...

So sorry, baby.
Isn't it weird that his pediatrician is okay with his weight, but the surgeons aren't?

Anonymous said...

That has to be so frustrating! But he seems to be doing so awesome in all other areas - this will get figured out too!


Erin said...

Grrrrrr, I don't even know what to say except how frustrating.