Friday, March 23, 2012

Not Thirsty

The boys' preschool teacher greeted me today by saying the boys had won the first round of the "drinking milk from cups" battle -- she'd served milk with their snack (instead of the usual water). James took a sip, made a face, and rejected it -- perhaps not surprising since he doesn't usually drink regular milk.  Matthew realized it was milk, and then proclaimed that he was not thirsty (and cheerfully informed me of that "fact" as well).  Stubborn and clever little guy!

Matthew was delightful today; he's so enthusiastic. And James was also right in the middle of things; the kids were all playing with musical instruments when I arrived, and James was in the center of the group, shaking maracas.  Later he was playing trucks with the other boys, and both twins were enthusiastic participants in the hokey pokey.

The teacher was so happy with how much James has blossomed now that he can hear again.  He's always been happy and engaged at preschool, but now she says he's talking more and more assertive.  (I think some of that is just the age -- almost-three is an age of strong opinions!)  But it's great to see.

On the playground, a group of kids including Mattie and James were in the playhouse.  Mattie decided it was an elevator, and they were playing along -- and James was talking about pushing the buttons.  It was really nice to see him participating in the imagination part of playing.  That kind of play is just now emerging in their age group, but I think the hearing problems were keeping James out of some of that before.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Soooo does M own any clothes that aren't orange? :-)