Thursday, March 8, 2012

Go to the Beach

I made the mistake of telling Matthew a few days ago that we were going to the beach, and so we have been treated to occasional litanies of "I want to go to the the beach. I want to go to the beach RIGHT NOW" ever since. 

And I told him that the water might be too cold for swimming.  He said, "I don't think so.  I think it will be warm.  I think we can go swimming." 

Well, it turns out we were both right.  The water is cold, but that did not stop Mattie from spending an hour or so wading in it this morning!  (Fortunately Grandma and Daddy are hardy and willing to brave the icy water with him!)  It wasn't full-on swimming, but his legs were all wet.  And you might notice that we are dressed in long sleeves and sweatshirts, which gives you some idea of the weather!  But Matthew was just as happy as could be. 

Jamesie was wiser; he set foot in the water, felt that it was freezing, and decided he'd rather play in the sand. 

It turns out that some of my aunts and uncles were also down near Charleston this week, so we also had a chance to see them (as well as Baby Cousin Seth!)  It was wonderful to see everyone, but as usual, somewhat hard to have a sustained conversation in the midst of toddler-wrangling. 


Niki said...

Look at Seth almost walking!

Melanie said...

Actually, he is completely walking!