Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moldy Oldies

 At the playground this evening Mike mentioned the child of a friend of ours, who was actually a small child when we saw him last, and who is now turning 17.  I said, "Wow!" and of course Matthew wanted to know what happened.  We explained that someone we knew had gotten older and grown up.

Mattie thought for a moment and said, "Did he get mold on him?"

(So then we had to figure out how to explain that old food got moldy, but grown-up people do not!  We're rolling stones, baby, we gather no moss and no mold!)

P.S.  We think, but are not certain, that yesterday's squirrel may have been there today taunting a new group of children by climbing just high enough in the tree to be out of their reach.  :)

1 comment:

Niki said...

Super love that bottom pic of M.