Monday, March 7, 2011

Too Tall, Too

Mattie can now reach the kitchen counters.  Watch out, world!  He tried to help himself to some muffins this morning.  We're going to have to create a bigger perimeter between the edge and whatever we don't want babies to get!  (He can also easily climb up on the kitchen chairs now, which is another prescription for trouble.)

Mattie also seems to be starting to use plurals; he said "stars" today, and he also said "feet" (although that one maybe doesn't count because he was only pointing to one foot).  He was also counting as we walked up the stairs today:  "six!  two!  nine!"  Hee hee!  Although if I said "one", he would say "two three."  (I think Elmo is responsible for that one -- we've let them watch the Sesame Street episode a few times where Elmo is learning the salsa, so he does a lot of "1-2-3" counting.)

I was excited to hear Jamesie use a two-word combination today -- "dog treat", and then he followed it up with three words: "treat dog more."  (That's right, Stanley is always an inspiration!)  His other new words today were turtle and high chair, and yesterday he said "snow" ("no", without the s, about the snow on his Signing Times video).  He's also saying "ear" (can't remember if that's old or new), and I'm pretty sure he's also saying draw (wanting his crayons).  He did "purple" again as well with the crayons, and I'm pretty sure he said "noodle" at dinner last night. Rock on, James!

James, by the way, seems to have decided that Elmo is a monkey -- he'll carry his stuffed Elmo around and make "ooo-ooo ahh-ahh" monkey noises.

Mike is teaching the boys to play hide and seek (that is, he hides and they find him).  Poor Stanley gets the short end of the stick once again, because Mike used to play hide and seek with him, and now Stanley gets shooed away because he's giving away Mike's location.  (Stanley's pretty good at hide and seek.)  Mattie has totally got the hang of it, except for the part where you wait for the person to hide; Jamesie likes it but wasn't so motivated about the finding part, at least this afternoon. (They both like hiding behind the curtains and being found, though!)

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