Saturday, March 26, 2011

Having a Ball

Mike resurrected the home ball pit, and the boys have been having a great time playing in it.

They are so cute playing together. They like chasing and hide and seek, and they often imitate each other -- the photo from the "Numbers" post below was after Mattie ran into the kitchen, and put his hands down on the floor, and James did the same thing, and then Mattie laid down, and Jamesie did the same thing, and Mattie rolled over, and Jamesie did the same thing. :)

The other day, Mattie got the two roller toys, and brought one over to James and started playing with the other one himself. Such nice sharing! (That night at dinner, Mattie hadn't eaten one of his pieces of cheese, so I asked if he wanted to give it to his brother. He said, "No!" and put it in his mouth...and then took it out again and handed it to James. James didn't want it, and I don't blame him!  Of course, I don't think James cared that it had been in his brother's mouth, he was just done eating.)

James's new words include rice, applesauce, yellow, blue (although he doesn't always match them with the right colors), and "ride-rides."  (We go ride-rides in the car.)

Mattie continues to be talking up a storm as well.  He was looking at his Brown Bear book by himself the other day, and one of the refrains of the book is "I see a [animal] looking at me."  He was repeating "I see, I see" and then he got to the duck page and said, "I see duck."  He also said (later), "I hear brother" and the ball pit inspired him to say (repeatedly) "in the balls."  And after Mike was showing him how to steer his tricycle yesterday, today he was saying "turn the wheel." 

We went over to our friends' house this evening, and James especially loved chasing around with four year old N.  (Mattie's favorite thing was playing with N's guitar.)  They were also excited to see the babies.  Twins C & A are almost four weeks old -- so cute and little!

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