Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Baby Hour

It was nice enough to sit on the deck this evening and catch up with our friends, including sweet Baby E who is getting to be almost as big as James, despite being much younger! :)

In other news, Mattie wanted to (and did) use his kiddie potty today. It's great that he's interested (and James is also more willing to sit on the little potty, so that's good, too), but man, those things are kind of disgusting. Diapers don't bother me, getting peed on accidentally doesn't bother me, but there's something about the kid potties that just seems icky. (Especially since with our two, the likelihood that somebody is either going to stick his feet in it or spill it on the floor seems rather high.) Ah well, I guess I'm just going to have to get over that!

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