Thursday, March 3, 2011

Row Row Row

Mattie and James were both saying "row row row" the other night to get us to sing Row Row Row Your Boat.  Mattie especially is very into music these days -- he will turn on a musical toy and then dance to it, and he asks for music at dinner and other times (we have a little iPod player in the kitchen).  Jamesie sometimes dances, too.  Dancing at their age mostly involves bouncing up and down, but it's very cute.

Jamesie's other new words include teeth, back, hop ("op"), and giraffe ("raah").  He also said "knee" after we said it. He was signing grass and cloud in imitation of his Signing Times video, and he was also trying to say them, but I don't think "da" really counts for "grass."  :) 

Mattie surprised me the other day when he was holding a ribbon, and said, "Shiny!"  He was right, but I didn't know he knew that word!  (I think he's also now referring to flowers as "pretty." Hooray for adjectives!)

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