Thursday, November 11, 2010


As I already mentioned, James was all about the stairs this trip. An advantage to having all these carpeted stairs to play on is that I was able to teach him to go down backwards, instead of just charging ahead facing front, as he wanted to do (and which probably would have ended in a faceplant or tumble!) I turned him around a few times, and after that he'd come crawling up to the edge of the stairs, look at me, and I'd say something like, "James, how do we go down the stairs?" He'd give a big grin, turn himself around, and go chugging down backwards.

(My other lesson, "don't climb stairs without an adult", was not quite so successful!)

Happy Veterans' Day, and a big thank you to all those who have defended and served our country in the military (including James and Matthew's Grandpas and friends!)

P.S.  I almost stole our friend Jim's joke for the post title:  "Would you call him a STEP child?"  Hee!

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