Saturday, November 27, 2010


Even though it was cold, the boys had a good time playing out in the yard today (at least for a little while!) Of course, Mattie wanted to head straight for the parts of the yard that are least appropriate for him (the tall rocks; the scrubby ivy in the back), but Auntie Nora kept him safe.

Appropriately, one of Mattie's new words for today was "rock" (the other was "light", which I think is new). I think he also said "dark outside", but he may have just been imitating Auntie Nora for that one.

Mattie continues to be obsessed with the vacuum cleaner. This morning he went into the office and looked in the spot where the vacuum has been recently, but it wasn't there. I told him that his vacuum was downstairs and we could go visit it later. He grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs and wanted to go right down -- he definitely understand a lot of what we say! (And of course, James was right at my heels, too, because he loves the stairs.)

James's new word for today was "block", and it's possible that he also was saying "rock", but I'm not sure about that one. He also said "more" and "water" again today, and when he was saying water he was also signing it, and the sign was a much closer approximation this time. :)

The boys had fun playing inside, too, and were very good at taking turns on the slide. (If you look closely at the third picture, you'll see that Cousin Daniel's hair is sticking straight up from static!)

Matthew and Daniel both liked playing with Brutus Buckeye (and Daniel even did a little dance when Brutus played the OSU fight song), which shows that they are being brought up right. :)

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