Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

Our Friday activities included family pictures, shopping (for some of us, but not at the crack of dawn), eating delicious leftovers, and a visit from friends. Mattie was so exhausted from all the excitement that he fell asleep in his chair at lunch. James, on other hand, used lunchtime to bond with the dogs by feeding them from his high chair.

Mattie's new words recently are "light" and "block" (and "water", but I can't remember if that's a new one or an old one. I was impressed that he used it while pointing at a picture of a faucet in his sparkly farm book.) And Auntie Erin heard James saying "more" this morning, so he's definitely doing that one!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

James looks so proud of himself in that photo.

I heard Mattie say "water" once, back when he would randomly blurt out words once and then refuse to repeat them ever again (like "bathroom" and "Daniel.") :)

Happy Thanksgiving!