Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekend's End

We were sad to see our company go today, but it was a wonderful long weekend! We went to the playground with Cousin Daniel, Auntie Nora, and Uncle Adrian before they had to hit the road. It was chilly, but that didn't stop the kids. They all had a great time on the big tunnel slide -- Matthew and Daniel especially wanted to go again and again. (Matthew liked to come flying down headfirst and we caught him at the bottom.  We don't know the little girl behind him in the picture -- just someone else enjoying the sunny day at the playground!) James spent some time walking up and down the big hill with Daddy.

James's new word for today was "milk." His "milk" and "more" sound pretty similar (they're both something like "mah"), but he made it clear by signing milk and, a different time, pointing to his bottle of milk. Go, James! He also did the "tttt" sound for his clock. Very exciting!

Mattie's new word today was "fish", and I think he also said "bubble" (referring to the soap bubbles in the tub). He's still talking a lot in his own language ("Matthewese", which from the sound of it appears to be a variant of German), so it's not always easy to tell what he's saying, but he might also have said flashlight, light switch, and window today. I'm not going to believe those until I hear them again, though. :)


Niki said...

Look at that adorable static-hair on those boys!

Cindy Young said...

They're really starting to turn into little boys, aren't they? Walking and talking - so cute! Maybe we can get together again after the business of the holiday season, it feels like I just barely blinked and they're already so different from the sweet but tiny babies I played with before!