Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bon Appetit

This photo reminds me that we had an appointment with James's (awesome!) feeding therapist before we left on our trip. We aren't seeing her regularly any more, but we wanted to check in to make sure that we were doing everything we should be doing, since James is still a little hit or miss on how much solid food he'll eat (except Cheerios, puffs, graham crackers, and Baby MumMums, which he loves). She said he was doing great, and was right on track for his adjusted age with "pre-chewing" skills. Her first thought on why he might not be so gung-ho on food from a spoon is that he just might not like the taste of baby food, so our "assignment" is to try to feed him more flavorful or even spicy foods that still have that pureed texture.

So far he was not a big fan of hummus, but he did okay with mashed potatoes (pictured here), and he and Matthew actually both liked the jambalya that Mike made the other night. He's also been eating cheese and deli meat, so that's good, too. And anything that we're eating often seems more appealing to him. :)

We're also supposed to try to get him to drink larger amounts of formula fewer times during the day, looking ahead to preschool or other contexts where he won't be able to just eat whenever he wants.

Mattie continues to be a good eater, and especially likes having his own bowl and spoon (although he makes a tremendous mess with it). We're still working on the transition to sippy cups, though, and we're planning to try again soon to move from formula to actual (cow's) milk.

And in preparation for Thanksgiving, Mattie said, "turkey" (repeated it) when he was eating his deli turkey.  (I'm guessing "green bean casserole" will be more of a vocabulary challenge for him!)

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