Friday, August 27, 2010

Watch Out, Lance!

James is all decked out for the Tour d'France!

Actually, he's wearing special shorts called "hip huggers" on the recommendation of his developmental therapist. James tends to sit with his legs in a "froggy" position, and stand with his feet turned out, which makes it harder to balance. The hip huggers are bike shorts with the legs sewn together, which are supposed to help him strengthen his hip muscles so that his legs will be in a better alignment, which should make it easier for him to walk. (He doesn't wear them all the time; she recommended starting with about 15 minutes at a time and working up to a couple hours a day. But hopefully he won't need them for too long.)

They make him look like a well-endowed jogger, which is both hilarious and mildly disturbing at the same time. :)

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I love that they're red. Can we call him 'hot pants' now?