Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mo' Mac & Cheese

Here's the difference between mommies and daddies: I think that since we're paying the big bucks to have James on hypoallergenic, lactose-free formula (and since we still don't really know what caused the five days of vomiting over the fourth of July), that we should avoid giving James dairy. Mike, on the other hand, thinks that kids and mac & cheese go together like America and apple pie, so he bought some toddler mac & cheese (& carrots).

We've been trying to introduce more finger foods for them, especially since James has apparently decided that spoons are for suckers, and has been holding out for Cheerios and Baby Mum-Mums instead of baby food. So, I relented and we gave the mac & cheese a try tonight -- let's hope that we don't regret that decision!

Mattie ate some but didn't seem all that impressed with it (he's not a big pasta fan at the moment), but James did pretty well and seemed to enjoy it. A good portion of it ended up on his lap, of course, but I'm guessing he actually ate at least a third of what we gave him.

The second two photos make me laugh: the middle one is Matthew saying, "Oooh, tough day at the office!" and the bottom one is actually Matthew doing "touchdown," but from the look on his face it's more like he's the victim of a stick-up!


Anonymous said...

I love James with the laid back foot up on the tray stance!!! Quite pimp of him!!

Yvonne said...

By the way, I meant to ask you if James has tried avocado yet. Charlotte absolutely loved it at this age, and it's a great food for packing in calories (if he'll eat it and if it agrees with him, of course).