Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fifteen Months

We went to the neighborhood lake this evening instead of our usual walk. (I thought it would be crowded on a Saturday, but we were pleasantly surprised to be the only people there, except for a swimmer leaving as we arrived!)

Stanley had a great time dashing around, Mattie enjoyed the water (he wanted to walk deeper into it, and then he sat down and splashed), and James had fun digging in the sand.

So...the babies are somewhat suspicious of the texture of delicious pears, yet when it comes to sand, they start shoveling it in to their mouths. I do not understand these children sometimes.

This morning, I talked Mike into going to a children's consignment sale out at the fairgrounds. One of the first things we saw on the toy table was three big bags of plastic balls (the kind you use for a ball pit). Mike's eyes lit up, and he grabbed first one, then two of them (and later I noticed he'd picked up the third as well). Cousin Daniel has some of those balls, and apparently Mike has been dreaming of getting some ever since! So that made his day and gave him a little more patience for looking through the rows of baby clothes. :)

1 comment:

Niki said...

1. i see Stanley has his summertime "haircut of shame"
2. that last picture of Mel with the boys at the water's edge is really great.