Monday, August 9, 2010

Hey, What's In Here?

James has been very enthusiastic about opening the cabinets the last couple of days. Alas, Mommy and Daddy don't think the CD and video collections are appropriate baby toys (and these doors close in a way that seems a little too likely to catch baby fingers). So, we keep removing James from the area, but we need to find a better babyproofing solution soon!

Mattie was exhausted and exhausting today -- he woke up early and didn't nap as long as he needed to (darn cough!), so he was a little bit fragile and fussy. And we had just been rejoicing that he seems to be out of the worst of the separation anxiety phase -- he sometimes protests when we leave the room, but it's been a while since he's had one of the frantic meltdowns that were a regular occurrence for a while. Today wasn't that bad, but he definitely registered his objections when someone left the room or when our babysitter had to pick up or feed brother James! (But we love him anyway!)

In other news, we are gradually expanding the boys' food repertoire -- they had toast yesterday and turkey today.

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