Wednesday, August 11, 2010

About that Bet...

Remember the bet that Mike and I made about whether patient relations would ever return my call about not having people have to wait around at the pharmacy when they were being discharged? Well, I am delighted to report that they did indeed get back to us.

One of the assistant directors at the pharmacy called right before our trip to D.C. (so yes, this is a rather belated update!). She apologized for us having to wait around and be away from James on his discharge day, and then explained the various reasons why prescriptions weren't just automatically sent to the pharmacy (some doctors don't like to use the electronic system; they don't have insurance information for all the patients; some patients want to use a different pharmacy; the current system doesn't have a way of marking prescriptions for discharge patients versus other people), but said that they were working on making it better.

I mentioned that the people at the pharmacy had always been great, and she said that they don't get many repeat customers. I told her that we wouldn't be repeat customers if we didn't have to have things specially formulated. :)

So, I was very impressed that she took the time to call and to address my question so thoughtfully. Bravo for the pharmacy!

[Photos are from a few days ago.]

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