Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gated Community

Mattie helped Daddy install a baby gate this morning (and by "helped", I mean "was kept a safe distance away").

Matthew seemed to be feeling slightly better today, although he did throw up again. James was fussier than usual (and for him, usual is "very smiley and not at all fussy"), but no vomiting and no fever, so that's good, at least so far.

We had James's hearing aids in for some of the day, but they keep coming out, so it was a little frustrating. I think it will get easier as he gets bigger and after we get the new ear molds.

Mike has taught James "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands." He doesn't clap every time, but it's very cute when he does! One of James's other favorite games these days is taking my glasses off my face. I'm not quite so fond of that one!

Mattie has been playing with the gear toy recently, but his way of playing is to just take all the gears off their pegs. He really really wants to get the big gear off the board, but it's permanently attached. That hasn't stopped him from trying, though. I admire his persistence. :) (The t-shirt Matthew is wearing says "Cow tipper in training. Wisconsin". Compliments of Nora and Erin. Thanks!)

1 comment:

Niki said...

i enjoy that he is indeed tipping a cow while wearing that shirt