Saturday, May 15, 2010

Birthday Boys

Since we had expected that James would still be in the hospital on the babies' birthday, we hadn't planned any kind of party in advance. (We figured that we would have a "birthday observed" celebration when he was back at home.) In the middle of the week it dawned on us that we should do a little something to celebrate, so we invited a few neighbors over for cake and ice cream. We had a cake for each boy, which also allowed us to get both chocolate and white cake! (And then, since it was going to be around dinner time, Mike decided to order pizza as well, and Grandma and Sue found decorations at the party store.)

It was a wonderful party (at least from our perspective!), and the babies seemed to really enjoy it as well. Their daddy even gave them their first taste of icing.

(Apologies to our local friends who don't happen to live on our street -- next time we have a party, hopefully we'll have more advance notice and can invite more people!)

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