Saturday, May 29, 2010

Babies Who Stare at Goats

[Alternative title: Kids and Kids.]

Usually yardwork isn't a spectator sport, but our friends J & Y have employed the goat patrol to get rid of the ivy in their yard. So, we seized the opportunity to play goat tourists and introduce the boys to a new species. :)

Interestingly, goats find poison ivy much tastier than regular ivy, but they'll eat just about anything. While we were there, we saw one goat jump up to knock over a sapling, and the rest came running to help eat the branches.

We learned the poison ivy tidbit and other fun facts from the goatherd. Who knew goatherd was even still a profession in these modern times?

1 comment:

Niki said...

It's cool how some jobs that died out are coming back. Rea has a beekeeping mentor. Crazy.