Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Day for Matthew

Mattie had his first taste of solid food today -- Grandma fed him a little bit of rice cereal. He was not immediately impressed, but we think he'll get used to it. :) [I love how in the second picture, James appears to be looking on in horror.]

His pirate bib, a gift from Miss Niki, came in quite handy! I think it's a tossup whether more of the cereal went on the bib or down his throat.

Also today, after two and a half months of people saying, "he's teething!" (due to the copious drool and his great enthusiasm for chomping on things), he actually does have a tooth (or maybe two, I'm not quite sure) poking through his bottom gum. Wow!

And unfortunately, his other event for the day was a blood pressure reading that requires us to send him to the principal's office...I mean, call the nephrologist. She wanted us to let her know about anything above 110, and his was 110 at the pediatrician's this afternoon. Most likely this will just mean another medication adjustment, but we were a bit disappointed since we keep hoping he'll start growing out of the meds.

We thought Matthew might be hitting a growth spurt, since he's been eating a lot the past few days. Just in the past week or so, he's definitely into the 3-6 month clothes, and even the occasional 6-9 month outfit. And lo and behold, at the pediatrician's office today, he weighed 16 lbs, 4 oz! Big boy! James was 14 lbs, 1 oz, so while he's growing, he's not quite as full-steam-ahead as his brother. (That's okay; he's allowed to do things at his own pace!)


公車 said...
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Ann said...

You should see the pictures of Chris when I first started feeding him cereal! It was not pretty!

How is James doing on his feedings? Any better?

Nora said...

More food on the bib than in the mouth will happen for a long time! Of course, as Daniel got older - the food progressed from just being on the bib to being on the table, on the floor, in his hair, and his favorite - in and on the dog! I am sure that James and Matthew will grow to love feeding Stanley as much as they like to feed themselves! :)