Friday, February 5, 2010

Merrily We Roll Along

Baby James rolled over today -- from his tummy to his back. Hooray for James! (He did it twice, so we know it's not a fluke!) It's funny how easy they make it look once they know how to do it.

Matthew returned to the doctor's office for a blood pressure check, and he's back down in the acceptable range (90-100 systolic). While he was there, he also got his booster shots for the seasonal and H1N1 flu. (Jamesie has to go in tomorrow to get his. Poor kids -- two sets of shots in a week!)

And poor Stanley got spit up on tonight. It's bad enough that Matthew pulls his fur (I'm already starting on "gentle, pet the dog nicely", but I have no illusions that the boys will pay any attention to that for at least another year or two), but spitting up milk on his fur added insult to injury! (Actually, Stanley didn't even seem to notice the spit-up...but we sure did! Let's just say it was not an improvement over doggy smell.)

I wasted another two hours of my life over at the hospital pharmacy this afternoon. The pharmacists are incredibly nice and helpful, but I shake my fist at you, BCBS. I cannot believe the continuing insurance hassles over the very common drugs these boys are taking. I'd really like to know where these bureaucrats got their MDs, and why they feel they have the right to override our specialist's medical opinion. Actually, if I ever get around to writing to them, I'm going to ask them if it makes them happy to be hassling the family of a baby who spent five months in the hospital and has a feeding tube and no colon, over some *&!# over-the-counter reflux medicine. Medicine which happens to make the difference between our son eating and growing, versus being utterly miserable. I don't know how they live with themselves.

The bright spot is that one of the NICU doctors walked by when I was there and stopped to say hi (and of course I showed him some of the pictures of the boys that I've been carrying around since I went to the conference) -- it was great to see him.


Ann said...

You have my deepest sympathy when it comes to insurance!!!! I have battled with mine for the last three and half years. So much so, they have given me my own case manager so at least she knows what is going on and you don't have to keep repeating yourself over and over like it is the first time they heard of you. Check in with your insurance and see if they can provide you with a case manager. I did not have to ask, I guess I caused enough problems they just gave me one and I certainly let them know that cancer was easier to deal with than the insurance company!!!!!!! Everytime you talk about your insurance, my blood starts to boil!!! Take the babies and set them on the desk of the person that makes those stupid decisions. That is what I told my insurance, that I was someone's loved one and they only want the best for me! Send them a picture if you can't go in! I am serious! Let them look at who they are refusing medicine too!

Okay, off that rampage! I get so mad with you!!!!!!!

Anyways, yea James for rolling over!

Niki said...

I shake my fist at you, Unknown Yet Contemptable Insurance Hacks!

Dave Levingston said...

Our doctor says he likes to call the insurance companies and ask to speak to the person there who is practicing medicine without a license.

Tanya said...

Its mindboggling to me that SO MANY people have ridiculous stories like this and yet SO MANY people are against health care reform. I don't get it. Do all those people not get sick????????