Monday, February 8, 2010

G & G on the Road

Grandma and Grandpa left today (heading down south for a little sightseeing in Charleston and then onward to visit other relatives). We miss them already!

We had an unscheduled visit to the pediatrician this evening. Everything's fine, and here comes too much information, so you can just skip the rest of this paragraph. James had some discharge from his bottom (and as you probably know, that's not the usual thing since he has the ostomy bag for poop!) So we figured we should get it checked out to make sure nothing was wrong, and indeed, they said it was probably just mucus moving through (no blood or anything that would indicate a problem).

James weighed 14 lbs, 8 oz, which was probably close to a real weight this time. And his blood pressure was good at 78 systolic. The doc (one of the ones in the practice we hadn't met before) gave us a sample of a new formula to try (Nutramigen) which has even less lactose than the Gentle-ease, and might be easier on James's tummy.

I always feel a little bad when some new pediatrician has to see us -- they're probably used to your standard ear infections or sprained ankles, and here we come with this extensive medical history for our kiddo! It never seems to faze them, though, and they've all been great.

We also had a photographer come in this morning -- Mike decided that he wanted to have some professional pictures done after all. We liked the photographer and the shoot seemed to go pretty well, except that Matthew again had a poorly-timed nap, so he wasn't quite as smiley as he usually is. So, we'll see how the pictures turn out! She'll probably be posting a few online, so we'll give the link when we have it.

1 comment:

Niki said...

What a great pic of Gpa and the boys.