Monday, February 22, 2010

High Chair

The little guys are getting close to big enough to use the high chair -- although as you can see, we have to prop them up with a blanket! (Top picture is Matthew, bottom is James. We just have one actual high chair right now, so they have to take turns. We have the high-chair attachments that are supposed to turn regular chairs into high chairs, so we'll have to try those out soon.)

Matthew is doing better with his rice cereal and carrots combination; we think at least as much went down his throat as went on his bib this evening. He likes holding on to the spoon and chewing on it. The problem is that he holds on to the spoon with an iron grip, even when there's no food left on it!

We haven't tried James with the solids recently, because we wanted to see how the new formula was working. The last couple days have been good ones. So, we'll see, we might give it a try again soon if he seems interested.

James has been Mr. Smiles these days; he's such a cute and happy little boy. And we've turned some kind of corner where now he and Matthew both generally enjoy being on their tummies -- so tummy time isn't a chore any more.


Unknown said...

Hi Melanie!
I have been lurking on your blog for more than a month, ever since Craig told me about your babies. Let me just say--they are ADORABLE! Mostly I had to write to say how cute they are and how nice it is to read how extraordinarily well they are doing.
Hope your return to work hasn't been too traumatic (I can sympathize, being in the same 'line of work' and with two kiddies, now 4 and 8...)
Nara (from high school)

Anonymous said...

I learned from Charlotte that it is handy to have several spoons - some to hold and some to use! So, three should be enough.

Ann said...

Just precious!

Melanie said...

Nara -- how wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for your kind words about the boys! I hope you are doing well. (Janas and I were just talking yesterday about what an amazing group of people we had in our high school class.)

R -- thanks for the suggestion! We tried the second spoon this evening but Matthew ended up waving it around and looking like he was going to whack himself, so it wasn't entirely successful yet. :)

Ann -- we miss you!